Monday, May 14, 2012

Guest Blogger: Dating Advice from a Regular Guy

There is only so much dating advice you can get from your girlfriends and reality TV.

You may even find yourself asking so many questions to so many different people that you forget what your own opinion actually is.

But let's face it, no one has the perfect answer to any dating dilemma. 

It's Monday, the weekend is over and maybe you meet a new guy over this past weekend and your already making yourself crazy over-analyzing his every move since you've meet or maybe you didn't meet anyone new this weekend and just need some some run-of-the-mill dating lessons and recommendations from a new source.

So here are a few helpful tips to take into consideration from an anonymous regular and overly honest guy who doesn't know you or the exact details of your dating life. He is a 28-year old guest blogger who has been both happily single and in a committed relationship. 

The one thing girls need to remember if they want to find/get a boyfriend
The first thing is you don’t “find” or “get” a boyfriend because when you are looking for a boyfriend guys can sense that and there is absolutely nothing worse than a desperate girl. I believe the number one thing girls need to remember is to have confidence in yourself, confidence to go up to a guy and start the conversation. People talk about the “game” and the right amount of days to call someone. I am sorry but this is not the 1920’s, if you want something go out and get it. Don’t wait for the guy to be the catalyst of a budding relationship because chances are unless you are a ten we are not going to wait around.

Best way or place to meet a guy with boyfriend potential
If there was a specific place to meet a guy with bf potential that place would be swarming with girls, unfortunately that place doesn't exist. What you need to do / be is open to new ideas, new places and new people. Take yourself out of your comfort zone i.e( if you got to one bar all the time try a new bar) it could be as simple as that. I think the best way to meet a potential bf would be through friends. Be open to meeting other people and don’t disregard new people if they don’t fit your groups mold… you are not as cool as you think you are. 

Keys to a happy relationship that dating experts & self-help books don’t tell you
If they seem shady, they are shady.. good-bye! Don’t over communicate, if you talk through email all day you don’t need to have a hour long chat that night it will become a chore and how many people like chores?!?! Lastly with anything in life be yourself, you cant change who you are and if you need to change yourself to be with a guy… hes not worth it .

For More Dating Advice from an older perspective check out the video post from 41-year old Hottie and Mad Men star, Jon Hamm:

1 comment:

  1. I can't see his whole face but this guy looks straight up ugly. I'm talking wildabeast ugly. I assume he knows nothing about dating.

