Friday, May 11, 2012

Your Friends Don't like your Boyfriend? Would you Dump him over it?

Everyone has some similar or shared interest with their friends or they wouldn't be friends right?
Whether it's liking the same activities, genre of books and movies or sharing the same sense of humor, in someway or another you friends mirror some small part of you.

But what about when it comes to men. Obviously  if your constantly eyeing for the same guy at the bar this will  eventually cause a riff between friends, but on the other side, what if you don't like the guy your friend is seeing, what happens then?, a dating website that sets up pairs of friends on double dates with other pairs of friends conducted a study to find out just how important a friend's approval is when a new boyfriend is introduced to your circle of friends.

According to the study, 42% said they would need their friends approval when they started dating a new person.. furthermore 12% said they would even end a relationship if their friends didn't approve ( a Mother's Day tie-in: just 8% said they would end it if their mom didn't approve). 

Luke Pomaro, founder of said the study was to help them get to know their target market better and added, "I appreciate the importance of a friend’s approval, however I don’t believe it is that important that if a friend doesn't approve the relationship should be ended. The grounds of a healthy relationship are ultimately down to the two people directly involved in it and as long as they are happy together that should be all that matters."

Although I think we'd all like to say we would end a relationship if our friends didn't like our boyfriend how many times have you heard stories of a break-up followed by a friend saying ' I never really liked him anyways" or " I don't know what you saw in him, I always thought you could do so much better"...

You won't win the friend of the year award for dumping your dude just because your friends don't see the same charm and lovable person you see. BUT if your friends are trying to warn you about your guys red flags that you are too love struck and blind to see you should appreciate and consider their opinion and maybe approach your man about certain concerns you've suddenly become aware of. 

                         Ke$ha Singing about her Best Friends Boyfriend

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