Friday, April 13, 2012

Numbers Don't Lie: A book on Love, Sex & Dating by Numbers

After last night's episode of "Grey's Anatomy" where one poor misguided doctor gets slapped in the face with the news that her beloved husband has cheated on her, I wondered what the most recent statistics on cheating must be. However after a quick search I came upon a much more interesting statistic.

When a man thinks his partner is cheating on him, chances are 50/50 that he is right. -Now before you object...Whereas if a woman suspects that her endearing partner is cheating on her she is correct 85%. Coincidence? Psychic abilities? No. It's just in the numbers.

Statistician John Croucher spent years researching and studying the association between love and numbers by compiling survey results from research acquired by an array of "amorous activities".

Here are some of my favorite "love numbers":

  •   15% of those using dating websites or personal ads are already married or in a relationship.( I can attest to this one-eh hem one of my ex's).
  • 68% of men think when a woman invites you for coffee it's really an invitation to have sex ( when did coffee become an aphrodisiac?)
  • 19% of men think its OK to break-up via email ( I guess post-it's are a thing of the past).
  • Fewer than 2 in 5 people believe they married their soul-mate ( see all those Nicholas Sparks books are lying to us!)
  • 38% of men have fantasized about having sex with their partner's girlfriends ( reason why models don't have any friends)
Croucher does acknowledge that some of his #'s may have some margin of error but to look at them more as a useful guide to how men and women think.

"Ask men what makes their blood run cold when your partner says it to you and number one in all the survey's I've seen is, ' We have to talk,'" Croucher said. Adding that when men hear the ol' we have to talk remark it either means three things; that she's going to leave him, she found somebody else or has found something out about him that demands his attention or explanation.

Whether you want to believe what an assortment of numbers has to do with you and your relationship, it serves as an interesting read and better yet maybe an amusing coffee table book.

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