Emmanuele Jannini, a professor at the University of Aquila in Italy who organized and worked on the essays, says they do in fact have evidence to prove there is a difference between the two main orgasms, clitoral and vaginally activated orgasms.
Jannini and six other scientists were basically trying to figure out if women can only get orgasms through clitoral/external orgasm...which they concluded is not the case based on the fact that there isn't enough scientific evidence to prove it.
..AKA - This is good news ladies!
One scientist, Barry Komisaruk of Rutgers University tested brain waves to show which sensory brain areas activate in response to stimulation. He found that the brain areas for clitoral, cervical and vaginal stimulation overlap and cluster together.This proves that each kind of stimulation can produce an orgasm...because if they didn't and women were getting aroused let's say for example by vagina stimulation via clitoral stimulation their brain waves would land on the exact same area in the brain- Its a lot to swallow I know.. but it basically means he believes there are several ways for women to orgasm versus just one.
The Livescience.com article goes on to tackle and describe other aspects of their essays but I'll sum it up with a few of the more interesting tidbits.
- Research has suggested that the sensitive G-spot has a pain-blocking function during labor; when the baby's head is stretching out the vaginal walls. Her studies have found that when pressure is applied to the G-spot, a woman's pain threshold shoots up 47 percent (In other words, you can "scientifically" handle more pain when your delivering a child. - I'd like to see some more research on that one before I would fully believe it).
- Women with spinal cord injury that cuts off all communication between the clitoris and the brain can still have orgasms with vaginal stimulation( Good for them!)
- Some lucky ladies can even "think" themselves to orgasm with no stimulation at all. There are also reports of women orgasming from tough abdominal workouts at the gym. ( I would call them blessed not lucky and see my First blog on orgasms at the gym: http://everythinggirlnews.blogspot.com/2012/04/for-my-first-post-i-wanted-to-find-fun.html)
- But one orgasm myth that all researchers agree should be kicked out of the bedroom is that the vagina is insensitive. ( Duh- ask a bunch of women and they probably could have figured that one out a lot faster).
- Jannini cautioned, women who don't orgasm vaginally should not feel inferior. "A woman should have an understanding — who is she, how is her body composed, what is the possibility of her body.." ( they'll probably feel more depressed than inferior).
And if you want to pay to read the entire study you can get it here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02694.x/abstract
So you're saying women can not only get off in two different ways, you also have a 'button' that gives you super pain tolerance?