A new social science study suggests that women are pursuing more high-paying jobs because we're "afraid" we won't find a husband to help support us and a family.
Shocked? Not really.
Gone are the days where women can only nab jobs that revolve around the kitchen or laundry room. Women now hold 16% of corporate board-appointed positions at Fortune 500 firms.
The study's geographic data and research shows a connection between low numbers of men and a high percentage of women seeking lucrative careers. They also found that women in areas with fewer men often chose to wait longer to have children.
In case your curious just where these career-driven women might be coming up empty-handed in the dating pool, I found this graph below that breaks down the single population by single men vs. single women.
Only two states came in with more single men than single women (according to 2010 data): Alaska & Wyoming.
Two states had equal populations of single men and single women (Nevada and Arizona), while the remainder of the states had more single women than single men.
The greatest gaps were in Alabama, Connecticut, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey and Pennsylvania which each have 5% more single women than men.
It seems like a no-brainer that women would start to smarten up and stop relying on their partner to support them financially. Women aren't marrying up as much as they used to ( says a study done by the Institute for Public Policy Research which results show more women are marrying for love rather than money these days: You can find the full report on this here: http://www.ippr.org/articles/56/8986/no-more-mad-men-marriages-for-women)
So if you want the finer things in life plus financial freedom.. get a J-O-B.. and get a good one!
I completely agree for a few reasons. Women are more career driven and in NYC especially need to be contributing to the home just as much as the men do. With the recession especially who can afford to rely on their partners to solely support their families? It is too risky and the cost of living is too high. Ayanni