Why is it that men never seem to want to "cuddle"...And no it doesn't count as cuddling if you have to ask him.
If your plagued with the problem of being with a "non-cuddler"..rest assure that the good people at the Journal of Sexual Medicine have researched a possible cure- and no, it doesn't involve witchery or any love potions.
The cure is Oxytocin, a hormone more known for its use in inducing labour.
According to new research a married man who sniffed a nasal spray with oxytocin two times a day became more affectionate to friends and co-workers and better yet, reported an improvement in his sexual performance.
The man apparently had a 46% improvement score on all items such as his libido, sexual arousal, erectile function and satisfaction with organism.
Some believe Oxytocin is naturally released after male and female orgasm ( eh-hem.. the reason why men might give you the time of cuddle after sex) but it has even been shown to have effects on behavior when it comes to boosting trust, co-operation and bonding. ( So how fast can we get our hands on some of this?!)
Though oxytocin is not currently licensed for this use ( Damn!) and still needs to be further investigated, some scientist are calling it the "New Viagra".
Here is a fun way to "decode" your man's cuddling ways: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/relationship-advice/cuddling-positions
And the studies Abstract here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02703.x/abstract
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