I'll be honest, I like my wine. It's not a shock to anyone who knows me, I was even that girl in college who brought her own bottle to house parties. It has always irked me that whenever I eventually decide to be"with child" I have to go cold-sober while the dad-to-be gets to frolic around sipping his favorite cocktails.
Sure there have been experts in the past that have said one drink here and there won't cause any problems, but a new study suggests that low to even moderate drinking during early pregnancy is not linked with developmental problems in children up to five years old.
1,600 pregnant women participated in the Denmark study. Once the babies turned five, researches studied their baby's IQ, attention span, executive functions, and self control and compared the results with their mother’s drinking habits. What they found? That overall there was no significant difference in IQ between children whose mothers drank low to moderate levels of alcohol ( 1-8 drinks per week) compared with mothers who didn't touch a drop.
Now of course there are always 2-sides to every story and as Thomas Donaldson, executive director of the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome told ABC News, "The study investigated just a few of the many possible outcomes of low to moderate alcohol use during pregnancy. Alcohol is known to cause birth defects such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) and there are other studies suggesting harm at low levels."
So are all the preggers out there supposed to remain thirsty for almost a year or can you sneak in a quenching glass of pino from time to time?
It seems that the "experts" will always tell you your better off safe than sorry and I guess (sigh) it isn't worth the risk anyways.. but if you do happen to slip, at least this new study has some encouraging findings.
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