Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The "30-Crisis"

Paul Cullen, an Australian psychotherapist is claiming there is a new midlife-crisis to worry about .. 

"Thirty-something singletons are increasingly seeking therapy after reaching a fork in the road and reassessing their lives".

Wait, wait..did he say 30?! Like the age I will be in two and a half years?!

The Melbourne counselor noticed the "30-crisis" in his clients ranging from 28 (gulp)- 32.

Women he says see 30 as a deadline to have a successful career and perfect family. 

As a woman in that age range I do agree with the career aspect, 'by the time I'm 30 I want to be making "this much" is what I've always told myself... the perfect family part.. not so much. Sure it sounds like a nice idea but the fact of the matter is your chances of having a perfect life by the time you hit 30 is.. well, pretty slim- But it all depends on what you consider perfect.

Other experts went on to say that many people take on "responsibility anxiety" when they hit their 30s. Saying that after living it up in your 20's people (especially men) start stressing about their career, mortgages and commitment. 

""People might live alone in a city studio, and live an isolated existence -- go to work, come home, watch DVDs. In the past, we knew our neighbors and may have had different generations of family around us," Cullen said. 

This I can also agree with, I've been living in my apartment for almost three years now and I couldn't tell you the name of one other tenant (excluding my roommate) .. Just a week or so ago I had a brief yet friendly conversation with one of my neighbors where we awkwardly exchanged names and 2 seconds later I couldn't recall it- great neighbor I am. 

Times are a' changing.. but let's just try not to stress over it too much so some Aussie know-it-all can say we ( the 28-32 year old box) are having a "midlife crisis". 

On Cullen's website he includes this youtube video with  "the voice and words of British Philosopher Alan Watts (who) perhaps sums up the mid-life crisis better than I ever could". His full blog post on the 30 crisis-thing can be found herehttp://www.paulthecounsellor.com.au/30-crisis-life-crisis/

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