I always love when I come across these girly lists of what women or men want.. Today I happened to find one from CottonCandymag.com on 21 Thing women wish men knew... the full list is below, of course with some of my own personal antidotes.
1.) Shopping IS therapeutic-NOT really or all the time, ever seen a woman go bathingsuit shopping?
2.) We know when you’re not listening- The glaze that covers your eyes aren't sunglasses, just because you flipped ESPN on doesn't mean I was finished with my sentence.
3.) There’s no such thing as a white lie from a man- No but there is such a thing as a bad lie, so just try being honest and we won't have to call you out on it.
4.) A man that can cook is REALLY sexy – But boiling spaghetti and microwaving sauce out of a can doesn't count
5.) Chivalry is NOT dead. Open a door for goodness sake.- Open a door, say excuse me when you burp outloud and try NOT to talk about farts or going # 2 at the dinner table or in front of my girlfriends.
6.) Nice guys really do finish last. They’re the ones we’re with in the end.- As long as they 'finish' last.
7.) Only rock stars are allowed to wear leather pants- No leather, pleather or skinny jeans please, no woman wants to be reminded her guy is skinnier than her.
8.) We LOVE flowers, backrubs and ooo…chocolate. Flowers are at almost every city corner or any grocery store so NO excuses not to pick us up a bouquet at least once a week..
9.) Intelligence is attractive- In conversation only, don't think your the next TV political analyst because we all have our own opinions and they most likely won't match-up ALL the time.
10.) Honesty is even more attractive- But don't you EVER tell us we gained any kind of weight unless were pregnant.
11.) Calling when you said you would shows integrity- or shows you might not be a douchebag
12.) Not calling when you said you would is the kiss of death- Only if your really prissy... things come up, just make sure you call eventually.
13.) Men don’t own the remote- And neither do we, it's called get 2 TV's if your living together.
14.) There is no such thing as too many shoes or handbags- But if we're being delusional and diving into debt, you could say so nicely.
15.) Women ARE good drivers- Just not me... or my mother for that matter
16.) It takes 50 compliments to offset one thoughtless remark- Or a really nice dinner with good wine.
17.) No matter how old we are, we love it when men hold our hands- Yup, it's the small things, if you don't it tells us your too embarrassed to let everyone know you enjoy spending time with your GF.
18.) Decisiveness is attractive. Indecisiveness is so NOT- Don't always ask us what we want to do tonight or where we want to go, your the man, make a decision.
19.) We don’t expect you to look like Arnold Schwarneggar. Just be healthy and fit-If you want us to stay fit, you stay fit.
20.) We love it when you tell us what you’re thinking- But not all the time though, this is why boys should have had diary's growing up.
21.) We are the best thing that ever happened to you- Don't forget it, ever. The moment you do we'll know, it's called a woman's intuition.
original list here: http://cottoncandymag.com/love/21-things-women-wish-men-knew/